What's up buds. I have changed my name from JiZz-XxX-FiZz to MrKubrick cuz people didn't wanna believe that my real name was Jose Inglesias Zinzaro Zinskey, whatever.... So I went with stanley, cuz really hes an awesome director that puts fears in the eyes of enemys. :O the facts...
_my average cs score is usually 70% kills /30 % deaths
_i am usually on cs at least 15 hours a week unless work comes up
_i love the people in e0's clan, I think they are hilarious, iHealz kills me with his music choices, saints custom skin suit is hilarious, and the rest of you are bastards, nah just kidding, sam ur cool too.
_i am a teamplayer, not a kill whore, I back my teamates up...
_i am a flash designer when I don't play cs.
_i joke alot, but thats just cuz i'm fucking with you, i don't ever mean it...
_uuuuhhhh yeah, my real name is david
thats about it,
JiZz Signin out'
Added (2007-10-01, 2:01 Am)
o and you should let power in too cuz, uhh he doesn't hack (i dont think, SAM!) and hes the shit... no seriously he's just got to keep his music choices to himself, he'll be fine... this is my shoutout, good bye..