wow nice, no i didnt thanks target
Added (2007-07-09, 7:54 Pm)
hey, i would like to officially remove my application.
it was brought to my attention that im the only one being tried out, and when i did show up for my tryout i was kicked from the server because apparently you guys had some scrim or something.
so, iill just play with you when your server is public, like i have been.
ill find a team somewhere else.
by the way clinton, if you still wanna try me out for your halo team im down.
im sure you wont be disappointed with my performance :P
if you guys have been around since the game came out, im sure you've heard of team -AOD-
it was an active team for about a year, it was one of the top teams in the world.
we didnt participate in ladders, but we'd frequently scrim the best of hte best, and
only lost once. (when we were getting started)
i havent lost a 1v1 in two years btw :P
anyway...see you around guys.