My Favorites in Counter Strike Source Does Not Work ! I've heard this many times and still i see people have this kind of problem.
So here what you have to do to make it work:
1. All you have to do, is to go to this folder "config" located here (ex):
C:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\platform\config\
(make sure you are not in cstrike config folder, this is diferent)
2. Now you will see there some files, find file named ServerBrowser.vdf
C:\Games\Counter-Strike Source\platform\config\ServerBrowser.vdf
Press Right Click On Your Mouse on "ServerBrowser.vdf" and in tree choose Properties.
3. Unchek box called "Read-only" after that press Apply and then press "OK"
4. Heres Picture how it looks like:
5. Enjoy Note: You might have to files called "serverbrowser" but one of them is serverbrowser.vdf and otherone is serverbrowser.vdf_
Difference in _
So you have to choose one without _ , which is this one serverbrowser.vdf
Dont forget to add {E0!}Clan Server ( into Your Favorite List
Best Regards