please, this is really really bullshit.... I mean sam_XxX just banned me because he thinks that I cheat or hack or something... Okay, 1st of all he asked me if i owned any skins, I dont even know what the hell skins are okay, or how to install them...
Second, I DO NOT HACK.; I been playing css for 6 months I transferred from KEOS to e0! server...
My kill death ratio si 405 kills to 409 deaths ??? I mean really if I was cheating would it be THAT LOW???
The reason I do kill people is because I rush with the auto-shottie. and everyone thats on the server should know that.... Cuz they've all said that I'm an "auto-shottie" newb, which is fine with me, i can accept that....
I have no idea what Sam is suspecting of me cheating, but when I asked him he told me he has no demo, he doesn't know what kind of hack i am using, and he "just knows when someone is cheating".... I'm sorry but, in a court of law, those rules don't apply.... This is some bullshit...
I don't know what to do, I have tryed my hardest to become friends with people on the server, iHealz, I have contributed to the forum.... and I get banned, for something I would never do in my entire life time.... Plz someone help..
and all you people out there that know me from server please back me up if u don't think I cheat and write and post cuz this is some bullshit....
-David aka XxX_Mr.Kubrick